JSC “Scandye” operates in conformance to ISO 14001:2015 (ISO 14001 sertifikatas) standard requirements for environmental protection. Our strategy is to produce quality while preserving the environment through responsible use of natural and energy resources.
To make further environmental gains, we invest in state-of-the-art dyeing equipment which allows for a more efficient use of resources. We exclusively use dyes and chemical materials that conform to the requirements of the REACH program.
Most of our production carries internationally renowned labels that prove the products are safe and environment-friendly.
The flower label is the “EU Ecolabel”. It means that all the processes are aligned with environmental protection, including sourcing of materials, recourse consumption, and wastewater control. Not only the product itself, but the whole life cycle of the product must be environment-friendly.
“Cradle to Cradle” is another label that relates to the life cycle of the product. End-products must be biodegradable, whereas other products used in production should be reusable in new production processes.
“The Nordic Swan“ is an environmental label that relates to social responsibility. Production processes must respect the environment and comply with the requirements of social responsibility: from the extraction of raw materials to the final product. These requirements apply to all countries of the world.